Alscot's Biodiversity Site - Lake Park
Alscot has recently taken Lake Park back in house, to manage as part of Alscot’s Biodiversity Project.
This means that we are committed to a long term plan, of at least 30 years, to improve the grass and woodland and in turn encourage and enhance plant and animal species and their habitats. In doing so, we are following a long term process-lead approach, set out by leading ecological specialists.
Following work in The Roundel to plant 11,000 wildflower bulbs and plugs and 40 shrubs, we started work in February 2021 to improve the 1000mt hedgerow. The existing and severely neglected hedge had been identified as in need of some significant surgery, and rather than failing the hedge by grubbing and flailing, which was not recommended, it has been cut professionally using a shear. Over 6,000 new hedging plants and trees have been planted, that will grow and flourish along with the existing, to provide a good manageable hedge for the future. The hedgerow is a mix of species that have all been selected and recommended by Natural England in line with Biodiversity.
Clearance of the ditch will be of much benefit in terms of drainage, as the area is prone to flooding, both off the fields and as a result of the river that flows by.
The project continues with new gates and fencing to denote the boundary of the private land and at the site where the former Cutlin Mill once stood, wildflowers will be planted and benches erected for walkers to sit, rest and enjoy the beautiful surrounding countryside.